Financial-Economic Activities and Property Management Directorate
Director: Mariya Varadinova
Total number of staff: 10
- Organises, implements and reports on the financial and accounting activities of the Commission in accordance with the requirements of the regulations;
- Assists the President in setting up a financial management and control system;
- Provides the data and prepares the reports on the cash execution of the budget and the turnover sheets for the central administration of the Commission;
- Prepares summary treasury reports on budget execution, turnover sheets, annual financial report of the Commission;
- Organises the development and drafts the Commission's budget as authorising officer by sub-budget;
- Prepares reasoned proposals to the authorising officer responsible for the budget for necessary changes to the Commission's budget;
- Analyse, allocate and approve, through the Single Account system, the expenditure limit between the Tertiary Budget Holders in the Commission's system;
- Provides financially, in accordance with the approved budget, for the maintenance of the Commission, including the Regional Directorates;
- Methodologically directs and supervises the financial and accounting activities and material accounting of the regional directorates and issues binding instructions;
- Organises, is responsible for and exercises control over the proper, lawful and efficient use, management and conservation of the immovable property and movable assets assigned to the Commission;
- Organises and conducts inventories;
- Organises, implements and is responsible for the logistical supply of the Commission's central administration;
- Organises, ensures and controls the security and access control regime in the building of the central administration of the Commission, the signal and security and other equipment related to the security and access control regime;
- Organises and carries out activities relating to the defence and mobilisation preparations of the Department, as well as other related tasks assigned by the competent State bodies;
- Organises and ensures the cleaning and is responsible for the sanitary and hygienic conditions in the Commission's building and adjacent grounds;
- Organises activities to prevent, contain and overcome the consequences of crises;
- Organises the development and establishment of the nominal lists for the investment programme for the capital expenditure of the Commission's administration;
- Establishes the necessary organization to ensure occupational health and safety.