Consumer Protection in Distance Selling Directorate

Director: Hristo Trendafilov

Total number of staff: 11


  1. Carries out internet investigations and inspections on compliance with the requirements of the Consumer Protection Act for distance sales of goods and services by electronic means;
  2. Analyses and monitors the Bulgarian internet space in order to detect and identify unfair commercial practices in a timely manner;
  3. Carries out checks on compliance with the requirements of Chapter Four, Section I Off-premises and Distance Contracts of the Consumer Protection Act with regard to distance contracts;
  4. Carries out inspections on compliance with the requirements of the Distance Marketing of Financial Services Act following authorisation by order of the President;
  5. In case of suspicion of unfair trade practices, proposes to the Commission to take the measures provided for in the Consumer Protection Act;
  6. Exercises control over the provision of information society services in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Electronic Commerce Act;
  7. Interacts with the Ministry of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications, respectively with the Executive Agency for Electronic Communications Networks and Information Systems and with the competent authorities of the Member States of the European Union and with the European Commission on information society services;
  8. Acts as a single liaison office and as a competent authority within the meaning of Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on cooperation between national authorities responsible for the enforcement of consumer protection legislation within the competence of the Commission;
  9. Participates in the preparation of information and educational material relating to the protection of consumers' economic interests;